Application FAQ


Prismatic uses various HW accelerated decoding mechanisms, in order to use them make sure you have your system up to date with appropriate drivers. These drivers depend highly on your system specification, they may but not have to include AMD, NVIDIA, DirectX

It seems your computer is missing Microsoft windows runtime library files, please try reinstalling Prismatic, if the problem persists, please create new bug report


Prismatic uses various HW accelerated decoding mechanisms, in order to use them make sure you have your system up to date with appropriate drivers. These drivers depend highly on your system specification, they can but not have to include mesa, VA-API, VDPAU, NVIDIA, AMD, or CUDA drivers


This problem occurs on the latest Ubuntu distribution, this is merely a problem of the distribution itself, you can resolve missing libraries by running and installing

sudo apt install libfuse2

After the successful installation, you should be able to run Prismatic AppImage without any further problems.

Make sure you are using Linux with glibc 2.28 or higher. You may want to try to install the requested library manually. We would definitely invite your bug report with thorough system details.

General Information

Windows location %AppData%\PrismaticGraphics\Prismatic\prismatic.log

Linux location ~/.local/share/PrismaticGraphics/Prismatic/prismatic.log

Please share it in our suggestion box on our forums

For a reading currently, these formats should have no problems as long as the image is valid:

bmp, cur, gif, icns, ico, jpeg, jpg, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, svg, svgz, tga, tif, tiff, wbmp, webp, xbm, xpm


Although we are trying to make Prismatic compatible with graphics chips low as Intel HD 3000 we need to emphasize that these graphic chips are notoriously problematic in their OpenGL implementation and you may always run into some issues and unsupported features.

No, all binaries are built only for 64-bit architecture, there are no future plans for 32-bit.

Please see our optimisation article

As soon as we finish rewriting our rendering engine to Vulkan we will make sure Prismatic will work on these devices as well.

Please refer to our specs