Version Prismatic 1.0.0


This is the first public release, it has been several months since the last closed beta release and we have done a lot of work since then. In this release, there are several new nodes, and many improvements in graph, timeline, and mapping. Also, there are some optimizations, stay tuned to future releases we are working on many new very exciting features!

As always, changes are so many that we only list the important ones.

  • New Feedback node which allows you to create Fragment Feedback loops and with that create mesmerising visuals
  • New node ValueWindow which sends a list of the last X values received on input
  • New node ValueToTexture which creates a 1D texture based on the input list of values or colors
  • New node GPU noise which currently implements Simplex 2D and 3D fractal noise
  • New Reorder node, allows reordering of color channels
  • New Limit Fragment node, allows to wrap/clamp values of color channels
  • New Emboss node for embossing input texture
  • JavaScript node rework, JavaScript node now allows non-volatile memory storage and per action code execution.
  • Displace 2D node rework, now also allows per channel displacement of X and Y coordinates.
  • Texture Mapper now has an interactive preview
  • Texture Mapper added stretch input
  • InvertColor node now allows inversion of alpha channel
  • Several new built-in subgraphs for faster graph creation
  • Several new examples, (which examples do you miss? Let us know!)
  • LFO node now has a phase and reset input
  • Reworked Sobel node completely
  • Optimisation of Camera input
  • Optimisation of Video playback
  • Optimisation of Spout input
  • Edge preview will always use all available space
  • Edge preview now properly reads List (do you or do you not like it? Let us know!)
  • Edge preview of Fragment, Texture, Layer, Mesh, and Vertex can be now changed to reflect common aspect ratios
  • Fix Switch node toggle input
  • Fix Threshold node enable input
  • Fix Cube node OpenGL warning
  • Fix Output node not accepting lists
  • Fix Graph loading sometimes not preserving edges
  • Fix importing 3D models for many edge cases
  • Many stability fixes


  • Graph view now allows to show all number graphs at the same time. This can reduce your dependence on the timeline master view
  • Improved selection points in overview and graph view
  • Multiple selected points are now properly
  • Fix zooming around Y in Graph view
  • Fix issues with Step timeline editing and their data propagation to control groups
  • Fix cloning timeline items


  • Added perspective mapping to Rectangle shapes
  • Reworked shape items editing a little bit, we are aware the current system is clunky and will be reworked in the near future


  • Fix Many missing icons in menubar
  • Fix High DPI menubar scaling
  • Fix Login dialog not being closable

Known bugs

  • We are aware of problems caused by window scaling and custom DPI changes on Windows and Linux, these problems are often hardware and configuration-specific, please post us your screenshots with the scaling configuration so we can address these issues.
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